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One of my favourite projects has been to introduce the use of locally authentically created content for the IKEA Australia Instagram and Facebook channels.

It first started when I captured some simple DIY ideas for Instagram stories

to test how our  audience would respond to them:


When the very first piece of authentic content that was posted became the best performing organic story for reach and impressions (double the normal average), I knew I was onto something.

Authentic content has now been turned into an integrated way of working for our store Interior Design and Marketing teams, with weekly content being captured by the stores and edited by myself.

This project has required training the 10 store teams on how best to capture short-form content for mobile and different creative techniques to keep the story engaging.

These authentic stories have continuously delivered high performing results for reach, impressions, engagement and have a low drop off rate.

Through this project it has shown that our audience resonates more with authentic, less-polished, raw content than glossy creatives on Instagram and Facebook stories.

More broadly through this project, I have been able to promote one of the company’s competitive advantages of having Interior Design teams at every of our stores in a unique, creative way. It has also helped to strengthen the

brand positioning of being the experts on life at home.

Captured by: Store Interior Design Teams

Editing: Elissa Wardrop

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